Holistic care

At Cherry Dental we believe in a minimally invasive, preventative and holistic approach to any dental care. Our friendly dentists take every care from the first meeting to the last visit of any treatment ensuring that you are treated with the highest level of workmanship, in the caring and calm surroundings of our surgeries.

What are ‘Composite’ tooth coloured fillings?

Composite; meaning a combination of several different materials, is a modern tooth coloured restorative material used in dentistry providing long term adhesive, truly natural aesthetic fillings.

We pride ourselves to offer metal free white ‘composite’ fillings exclusively, and we focus on preventing the need for large silver fillings by detecting decay when in the early stages so that treatment is minimally invasive. Thereby preserving more of the natural tooth structure. We utilise the most modern ‘composite’ materials and equipment to provide long lasting and natural fillings you will find hard to spot!

How do you remove old silver fillings?
We use very powerful high volume suction to collect any vapour during the removal of silver fillings as well as isolating the tooth that has the amalgam (silver/mercury) restorations form the rest of your mouth. These two combinations will ensure that the old silver fillings can be removed safely allowing the new white ‘composite’ fillings to replace them.

Why choose white ‘composite fillings instead of silver fillings?
White ‘composite’ fillings contain no metal or mercury. They are resin based fillings which are adhesively stuck to the tooth structure making them much better at supporting the remaining tooth when compared with silver fillings.
This ability to stick to the tooth means that white ‘composite’ fillings can preserve more of the tooth structure as you only need to remove the decayed and defective tooth structure, unlike silver fillings.

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The future?

Laser Dentistry!
We focus on providing dentistry in a holistic and minimally invasive approach. Following the lead as in Sweden where amalgam is no longer used, we believe that in the future silver fillings will be superseded by more modern and less potentially harmful materials.

Dr Nadia, Dr Ivo and Dr Neli have all extensively trained in Low Level Laser Therapy as a pain relief to routine dental procedures. they are able to offer additional pain relief through the healing power of diode lasers. In addition, may other surgical and cosmetic procedures can be carried out using a Laser, which inhibits the pain sensation pathway resulting in a more comfortable procedure for patients. This includes Lasers used for:
Crown lengthening or gingivectomy –This procedure involves lowering the gum line either to increase the success of a crown on a heavily broken down tooth or to improve a gummy smile line
Endodontic disinfection of canals –Lasers can increase the effectiveness of canal disinfection therefore increasing the prognosis of a successfully disinfected root canal and potentially promoting increased longevity of treatment
Periodontal treatment –In severe periodontal disease cases, there can be minimal, little or no improvement in pocket depth reduction; laser disinfection of the pockets can help to promote regeneration of the soft tissue therefore resulting in improvements in pocket depth reduction. NB: Please note routine, periodic periodontal maintenance is required in all periodontal cases
Whitening – Lasers have long since been used to activate the whitening gel’s effect on removing stains from the tooth surface, resulting in a faster, more satisfying result. BN: Please note follow-up with a home kit is recommended for lasting results. Please enquire if you are interested in any of the above treatments.

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