Denture Stabilisation

If you have loose or ill-fitting dentures, your ability to eat and speak may become affected. Denture stabilisation is a great treatment for people who are having trouble with loose dentures or those who need the support of implants.

Stabilising a denture with implants

For a cost-effective way of replacing many missing teeth, dentures can be held securely in place with dental implants. Providing a great improvement from traditional removable dentures, they are secure and comfortable, meaning that you should not need to suffer anymore embarrassing moments caused by loose dentures!

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Fixed or REmovable

With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth root begins to deteriorate. An implant supported bridge or denture helps preserve your jawbone as the implant replaces some of the tooth root and integrates with your jawbone helping to keep the bone healthy and intact.

The number of implants needed will vary, for example a lower denture may only need two conventional implants, giving you a completely life-changing transformation enabling you to chew foods and smile with renewed confidence. This treatment requires minimal surgery and, in many cases your current denture can be attached to the dental implants immediately.

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THe Benefits of Denture StabilisaTIon

A fully stabilised denture will enable you to chew foods and smile with renewed confidence. This treatment requires minimal surgery and, in many cases your current denture can be attached to the dental implants immediately.

Using implants provides a great improvement from traditional removable dentures as they are typically much more secure and comfortable, allowing you to eat, speak and laugh with renewed confidence!

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If you are looking for a straighter smile, we offer Invisalign® clear aligners, one of the most advanced orthodontic options and the new way to straighten your teeth.

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A dental implant is a long lasting solution to missing teeth, be it one tooth or a whole arch. If implants aren’t for you, we also offer a range of other treatments such as dentures.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry should always aim to produce natural-looking results for patients. Our range of cosmetic treatments can help you with teeth.

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Patient Reviews


Any Questions?

Are dental implants a new treatment?

Dental Implants have been used as a successful therapy for permanently replacing a tooth or teeth since the 1960s. Modern dental implants are made from titanium – a metal well documented for integrating with human bone.

Why choose dental implants?

Dental implants are the ideal permanent way to replace any damaged or missing teeth – whether one single tooth, several teeth, or all of your teeth. It is true that it is best not to delay too long after teeth have been removed as there is a natural process of bone shrinkage following tooth removal. This can make it more difficult to place an implant, but that is not a barrier to implant placement. If you have a gap or dentures, an implant or multiple implants could be a very good choice for you.

How do I know if I have enough bone for a dental implant?

If appropriate, we can carry out a CBCT scan for you in the early planning stages which will indicate precisely how much bone is available. If suitable, we can carry out bone grafting procedures at the same time or before implant placement.

Do I need healthy gums for Implants?

Strong and healthy gums are vitally important to achieve a successful implant, as a solid base structure is required. We will discuss your oral health and ways to improve this at your consultation.

How much do dental implants cost?

All of our treatments are bespoke to each individuals needs and requirements. All costing and treatment plans will be discussed at your consultation with the Dentist and Treatment Coordinator.

Is the procedure painful?

During the implant placement, you will be given a local anaesthetic. You may experience a small amount of discomfort for a few days afterwards but this will subside as healing should occur relatively quickly. Your dentist will advise on how to minimise any discomfort.

Can I eat normally with my new tooth/teeth?

Yes, you can! Your implant supported teeth will be strong and secure so you will be able to eat, laugh and speak with complete confidence.

How do I care for my new tooth/teeth?

Your new teeth will look and feel like real teeth and they will requiring the same care as real teeth too. You should brush and floss your teeth as usual. Continue with regular routine check-ups as advised by your dentist