July 31, 2024

If you’re straightening your teeth with Invisalign you’ve made an excellent choice! Invisalign Clear Aligners straighten your teeth discreetly and effectively. By following the treatment plan set by your dentist you can achieve the same results as you would from fixed brace treatment.

Invisalign is designed for both teenagers and adults, the clear pliable aligners work by moving your teeth gradually. Simply switch the aligners at home for the next set in your sequence and by the end of your treatment you’ll have teeth you will want to show off!

Invisalign is the go-to treatment if you’re looking for a lifestyle friendly option and we have put together some useful tips and products that will make your Invisalign journey even simpler. For example, did you know that you can have progress updates with your dentist without having to visit the practice? The DentalMonitoring app along with the ScanBox Pro device turn your phone into a scanner where you can upload images of your teeth and submit them directly to your dentist.

DentalMonitoring is intuitive and will guide you through the steps of taking photos of your teeth, just submit your images following the schedule set by your dentist. You can communicate with your dental practice securely from the comfort of your own home – or anywhere in the world! A great feature if you’re pushed for time during normal practice hours, on holiday, or away on business. The app stores the images so that you can look back to see how your treatment is progressing at any time.

When you’re ready to switch to new aligners, do it right before bedtime! Your teeth can move into their new position best when the aligner is left in for a long and uninterrupted amount of time. When switching your aligner to the next one in the set they can feel a little tight. Soft foods such as porridge and pasta are a great choice if you’re feeling a little mouth sensitive and an over-the-counter painkiller takes the edge off any discomfort experienced.

Speaking of changeover day Invisalign ‘Chewies’ are a handy little appliance which will encourage a new aligner into a snug and secure position. Chewies help improve the fit of your Invisalign aligners, so they move your teeth effectively

One of the huge benefits of Invisalign treatment is that you can remove the clear aligners to eat and drink. For optimum results you need to wear your aligners 22 out of 24 hours so a good tip to save that time is to clean them at mealtimes. Simply soak your aligners in a cleaning solution whilst you enjoy your food, job done! If you are worried about social occasions or holidays Invisalign is so flexible that you can adjust the ‘out’ time to allow you to enjoy a special meal or a few drinks. Knowing that you do have a limited time without your aligners in will prevent random snacking though – which is a bonus for the waistline!

In the workplace you may choose to remove your aligners for an important meeting or an interview but if you are worried about monitoring the time your aligners are out, then try TrayMinder. This helpful tool tracks your aligner ‘out’ time and ensures you wear your aligners for the full 22 hours in a 24-hour period

If you grind your teeth at night, Invisalign aligners can protect your teeth at the same time as straightening them. Another wellbeing benefit is that there’s no reason to miss a gym session, you can drink unlimited water without having to remove your aligners, so your workouts needn’t be affected.

Have a handy travel kit prepared, your Invisalign aligner case will become a trusty travel companion. It’s a great idea to have a travel mouth wash and dental floss just in case you need to remove your aligner and it’s not convenient to your brush teeth.

For any patient who wants to have whiter teeth, whitening toothpastes have been reported to be more effective with the use of Invisalign. Often, the whitening agent is left on your teeth after you brush, but it gets washed away almost immediately. The Invisalign aligners trap the agent, keeping it in contact with your teeth.

The cost of Invisalign can be more than fixed metal braces due to the technology and research that makes the treatment so advanced. Invisalign is a worthy investment, and we can help you spread the cost of your treatment. Book an initial consultation with us and we can confirm your exact treatment cost and how much monthly repayments would be with finance.

Finally, remember to keep smiling – because you can! The real benefit of Invisalign is that no one can see you’re straightening your teeth so don’t be afraid to smile.


If you are looking for a straighter smile, we offer Invisalign® clear aligners, one of the most advanced orthodontic options and the new way to straighten your teeth.

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